Friday, February 08, 2008

A Recipe for Friendship

I was touched by Elkana's beautiful recipe below. It was published in the Moreland Primary School's newsletter. I am sure you've had one such recipe of your own. (Don't ask why I am so sure. Easy, its because you've read this posting). I posted it just because I thought you would love to try this one.

PS: Please send along your cooking to my family and me.


Riana Nugrahani Syarif said...

WWOOOOWWW.....I love it. Well done, Elka. Your imagination is beyond your age!! and your grade!! I couldn't even make one of my own. A touching recipe, indeed. A nice valentine's gift to all your friend.

love, tante riana

Amelia Fauzia said...

Thanks for giving us the idea that this is a valentine's gift!