Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Star Wars: THE FINAL DUEL by Ardhia

In a galaxy far far away, on the paths of the crumbling planet of Sarateena. There stood two men, one by the name of Leam Oak-a Jedi Sentigular- who wishes to be the savior of the entire galaxy but the other... Darth Axlon-a Dark Sith Lord-wishes to conquer the entire galaxy, in other words-wishes to be the conqueror.

The duel had started and both men ready their lightsabers and leaped on to one another. They fought in mid-air for a short while and landed on the ground. Leam threw a boulder at Axlon but it missed, Axlon payed back by throwing two giant boulders but it also missed. Now that they know that throwing boulders is useless they fought again with their lightsabers.

The final moment had come, both men unleashed their most powerful Force Power to decide the end of the duel. Leam or Axlon, saviour or conqueror. To be continued...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hallo Ardhia,

I am delighted to read your story and will wait the continuation of your story. But please remember, for your eyes' shake, not to be infront of computer longer than an hour.

Someone who loves u so much